Write Thinking

Perspectives from a writer & life coach indulging her desire to intersect those two passions

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Location: Hoboken, New Jersey, United States

I am a practicing life coach who is currently writing a life coaching column called Game Plan for Foxbusiness.com: http://nancola.com/pages/press.html. I am also working on a book about the power and magic of life coaching.

Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Visiting Sin City

I just saw a screening of Sin City and it immediately made me think of a post I wrote here last week. It was about exercising those writing muscles that tap into the imagination in an outsized way.

This film, chock full of stars, brings a comic series to life, makes its characters and seedy setting three-dimensional. Thinking of my book-in-progress, I found myself marveling at how far artists will go into the dark recesses of their minds to bring a vision to fruition.

Honestly, I could have lived with a little less -- OK, a lot less -- blood and gore. But overall I was transfixed and very much aware this was a film outside of my usual personal taste "zone."



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